Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Ministr Lipavský se zúčastnil zasedání Ministerské rady OBSE ve Skopje
Photo: © MZV ČR / MFA CZ
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Minister Lipavský attended the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Skopje


On Thursday, 30 November, a meeting of the Ministerial Council of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) began in Skopje, where Czechia was represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský. During the meeting, Malta assumed the rotating chairmanship of the OSCE and will replace North Macedonia at the helm of the organisation.

The OSCE brings together 57 states from Europe, Central Asia and North America. In addition to the political-security dimension, it also addresses economic-environmental issues and human rights as part of its comprehensive approach to security. The Council of Ministers is the second highest decision-making body of the OSCE and meets once a year.

The OSCE finds itself in a very difficult situation as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Most of the participating countries at the Ministerial Council made it clear that they want to counter Russia's undermining of the security architecture and are interested in preserving the OSCE. Thanks to its unique experience, the OSCE plays an important role in numerous regions important for the security of Europe,” said Minister Lipavský.

In his speech at the Ministerial Council, Minister Lipavský stressed the importance of the OSCE's assistance to Ukraine in coping with the consequences of Russian aggression. Czechia has so far contributed a total of CZK 6 million to the OSCE Programme in Support of Ukraine and other related OSCE activities. Minister Lipavský also expressed his hope for a long-term peaceful settlement in relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


Ministr Lipavský se zúčastnil zasedání Ministerské rady OBSE ve Skopje / Minister Lipavský attended the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Skopje
