Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Ministr Jan Lipavský jednal s mongolskou ministryní zahraničních věcí
Photo: © MZV ČR / MFA CZ
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Minister Jan Lipavský met with the Mongolian Minister of Foreign Affairs


Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský welcomed Mongolian Foreign Minister Battsetseg Batmunch on 11 May 2023. During the meeting, the Czech Minister and the Mongolian Minister positively assessed the bilateral relations and agreed on the need to strengthen trade and economic cooperation.

"We will further discuss trade cooperation during the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation. This will take place in the autumn in Ulaanbaatar and we will focus mainly on raw materials policy and the mining industry," said the Czech diplomatic chief at the beginning of the meeting.

Minister Lipavsky appreciated the abolition of visa requirements for Czech tourists to Mongolia, as well as the launch of the scholarship programme of the Mongolian President. "I am pleased that Mongolia will start sending its students to the Czech Republic under the scholarship programme from 2024. I am equally pleased that Mongolia is part of the Czech government's Skilled Worker Programme. In this way, Mongolian citizens contribute to the success of Czech companies in the world and gain valuable qualifications and a relationship with our country," said Minister Lipavsky. The Czech Republic is home to the largest Mongolian community in the European Union and the third largest in the world after Korea and the USA.

Minister Battsetseg also mentioned a direct flight between Prague and Ulaanbaatar from June this year.

The Czech Foreign Minister confirmed the participation of Czech Army observers (for the first time since 2016) in this year's Khaan Quest military exercise organised by Mongolia and the USA and assured the Mongolian Minister that the Czech interest in supplying equipment to the Mongolian armed forces remains.

The Czech Republic will also continue its participation in reforestation projects in Mongolia and in the project "Return of the Przewalski's Horse", organised jointly with the Prague Zoo. The Minister thanked the Mongolian Minister for this project and hopes for a successful continuation of the cooperation.
