Diplomatická akademie přivítala americké studenty
Photo: © MZV ČR / MFA CZ

Diplomatic Academy welcomes American students


The Diplomatic Academy received a student delegation from the United States to spread awareness of the activities of the Czech MFA and its contributions to international affairs.

Eleven graduates and four professors from Hiram College, Ohio, US visited the Czech MFA in Czernin Palace on 7 March 2023. The delegation learned more about current diplomatic activities in response to Russia´s aggression against Ukraine.

In her welcoming address, director of the Diplomatic Academy Věra Jeřábková stressed the importance of international cooperation in these turbulent times full of hybrid wars, fake news, and disinformation. She underlined the fundamental role of America in Czech statehood.

Delegates met with senior diplomats, with whom they vividly debated bilateral relations, Ukrainian efforts to restore its security and territorial integrity, and the future of NATO, including its enlargement policy. In addition, the American guests had a unique opportunity to discuss diplomatic training with junior Czech diplomats, as well as to see the ceremonial state rooms, such as the Large Hall, and Jan Masaryk´s apartment.
