Statement of the MFA on the Presidential Elections in Azerbaijan
21.10.2008 / 18:19 | Aktualizováno: 30.07.2009 / 17:50
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic appreciates the calm course of the presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan.(21/10/08)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic appreciates the calm course of the presidential elections in the Republic of Azerbaijan, welcomes the efforts of the Azerbaijani authorities to comply with the international standards for democratic elections and believes that they will devote maximum attention to the improvement of shortcomings mentioned in the joint statement of the observes from OSCE/ODIHR, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic regards the considerable progress noted by the international observers as a further significant step on the way of development of democracy and free society in Azerbaijan.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic closely follows the political developments, course of reforms and rapid economic growth of Azerbaijan, and is ready for maximum intensive deepening of mutual relations between the two countries. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is convinced that broadening of mutually advantageous partnership cooperation will contribute to a successful accomplishment of this important stage of Azerbaijan´s development.