Visa Fees


Visa fee is paid when applying for a visa - at consulate or in visa center.

Visa fee is paid for visa application submission, not for visa issuance.

Visa fee is not refunded in case of visa refusal.

Visa fees in the table below are given in EUR and CZK. Visa fees are collected in cash, by card or bank transfer in EUR or in the local currency or in other currency (such as in USD), based on the exchange rate.

Information on payment modalities and currency will be provided by the consulate.

As of June 11, 2024, the visa fee has been increased from 80 to 90 EUR and for children 6-11 from 40 to 45 EUR.



- SCHENGEN VISA (type C, A) EUR 90
- SCHENGEN VISA (type C, A) children 6-11 EUR 45
- SCHENGEN VISA (type C, A) children up to 6 free of charge
- LONG-TERM VISA (type D) CZK 2,500
- RESIDENCE PERMIT (type D)                                                   CZK 2,500
- EMPLOYEE and Blue Card (type D) CZK 5,000
- Long-Term Visa - Entrepreneurship (type D) CZK 5,000
* REDUCED/OTHER RATES based on bilateral or facilitation agreements: 
Application of citizen of a given country                                                                          for:     
- Schengen Visa          EUR 35 
- Long-Term Visa free
- Schengen Visa     EUR 35
- Schengen Visa   EUR 35
- Schengen Visa     EUR 35 
Bosnia and Herzegovina  
- Schengen Visa           EUR 35 
Democratic Republic of Congo  
- Long-Term Visa CZK 17,000
- Schengen Visa EUR 35
- Long-Term Visa free
- Schengen Visa          EUR 35 
- Schengen Visa          EUR 35 
North Macedonia  
- Schengen Visa EUR 35
- Schengen Visa           EUR 35 
South Africa  
- Long-Term Visa free
- long-term visa for the purpose of study at universities registered by the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth or based on a scholarship granted by CZ Gvt free
- Long-Term Visa free
- Schengen Visa EUR 35
- Schengen Visa – express EUR 70
- Long-Term Visa CZK 5,000


The following categories of applicants are exempt from visa fees:

  1. family members of citizens of the EU or of a state bound by the EEA Agreement or by an int´l treaty with the European Communities, regardless of their nationality,
  2. children younger than 6 years of age,
  3. pupils, students, postgraduate students and accompanying teachers traveling for the purpose of study or educational training,
  4. researchers traveling for the purpose of scientific research as defined in the Recommendation No. 2005/761/ES of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005 to facilitate the issue of short-stay visas for researchers from third countries travelling within the Community for the purpose of carrying out scientific research,
  5. representatives of non-profit organizations aged 25 years or less participating in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organised by non-profit organisations.

The following categories of applicants may be exempt from visa fees:

  1. children from 6 to 11 years of age,
  2. participants aged 25 years or less in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events, organised by non-profit organisations,
  3. holders of diplomatic, service or official passports.

Decision on waving the visa fee for a category of applicants or individual applicants lies with the consulate.

Visa fee must be paid (or waved) for a visa application to be acceptedSchengen visa application to be admissible.


Legal sources:

○ Act No 634/2004 Coll., on Administrative Fees

○ Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code) – Article 16

○ Visa Facilitation Agreements

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