Visa Extension
15.01.2020 / 11:42 | Aktualizováno: 19.09.2024 / 12:46
Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not extend visas.
Contact the authorities given in the article.
Schengen visa can be extended only in exceptional circumstances.
The authority competent to extend a Schengen visa is the Alien Police Service. It assesses if there are valid grounds for the extension.
A Schengen visa can be extended if the visa holder provides
(1) proof of force majeure or humanitarian reasons preventing him / her from leaving the Schengen Area before the expiry of the visa validity or the stay duration authorized by the visa – this extension is free of charge
(2) proof of serious personal reasons preventing him / her from leaving the Schengen Area before the expiry of the visa validity or the stay duration authorized by the visa – the fee for this extension is 30 euros.
Existence of these circumstances is assessed by the Alien Police Service that extends the Schengen visa as the case may be – the total duration of stay may not exceed 90 days, which is the maximum duration of a Schengen visa.
Long-term visa issued for less than 1 year can be extended by the Ministry of the Interior for a maximum of 1 year if the purpose of stay remains.
Long-term visa for the purpose of seasonal employment issued for less than 6 months can be extended by the Ministry of the Interior for a maximum of 6 months if the purpose of stay remains.
Special work visa cannot be extended.
Long-term residence permit can be extended by the Ministry of the Interior under the circumstances based on the purpose of stay.
Legal sources:
○ Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code) – Article 33.1, 2 and 3
○ Act No 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and Amending Certain Acts (available in Czech) (Schengen visa: § 20.3; long-term visa: § 31a.4, § 35, § 35a; long-term residence permit: § 44a, § 44b, § 44c, § 45, § 46, § 46a)
Useful links:
○ Alien Police Service – Contacts
○ Ministry of the Interior – Contacts