Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Travel Medical Insurance


Required for short-term visits and long-term stays, visa-free travellers should also be insured.


Travel medical insurance must cover all expenses related to repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical care, emergency hospital care or death.

The insurance must be valid in the entire Schengen Area and cover the entire period of stay (or transit).

The minimum coverage must be EUR 30,000.


Travel medical insurance must cover all expenses related to complex medical care for the entire stay in CZE.

Complex medical care –must include preventive and dispensary (= regular medical supervision for certain disease) care, as well as care related to pregnancy and labor.

The minimum coverage must be EUR 400,000 (without co-payment).


Urgent medical care – may not exclude insurance payments in case of injury brought about by intention, negligence or contributory negligence of the insured nor as a result of alcohol, toxic or psychotropic substances.

This insurance may be bought from an insurance company providing insurance on the CZE territory or in other EU Member States / EEA States or in the home country.

If the insurance is bought outside of CZE, the insurance policy and general terms and conditions must be officially translated into Czech and this translation submitted to the consulate. Upon the consulate´s request, proof of payment for the insurance must be presented as well.  

Obligation to buy travel medical insurance for long-term stay in CZE does not pertain to certain categories of foreign nationals (situations).


Visa-Free Foreign Nationals

Foreign nationals travelling to CZE / Schengen Area visa-free must also be insured and may be asked to provide a proof upon entry. Kindly refer to the information on the website of the Foreign Police Service.


Legal sources:

○ Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code) – Article 15

○ Act No 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and Amending Certain Acts – § 180i, § 180j and § 103 r)

○ Act No 48/1997 Coll. on public medical insurance

Useful links:

○ Ministry of the Interior –  Travel medical insurance for stays over 90 days, Bilateral Agreements

○ Ministry of Health (link to the Czech version)

○ Foreign Police Service – Proving possession of medical insurance (link to an article in Czech)

○ Czech National Bank – Insurance Companies Overview (link to search in Czech)

