Security Strategy of the Czech Republic 2023
The Security Strategy of the Czech Republic introduces fundamental values, approaches, tools and measures to safeguard the security, defence and protection of citizens and the state. Hand in hand with the evolving security environment, the Government develops its approaches in order to keep Czechia and its citizens secure.
The government adopted the new Security Strategy in response to the deteriorating international security situation. It also aims to boost the involvement and participation on all levels of public administration, civil society and private individuals in safeguarding our individual and shared security.
The watchword of this Security Strategy is a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach. It brings forward resilience in a broad sense. The document is frank about the security situation deteriorating both in Europe and globally, and in admitting that security requires adequate investments on all levels. The strategy is also clear-sighted about threats and challenges, in particular those stemming from Russia and China.
Key messages at the outset of the document have been written in a straightforward and easy to read language. An entire new novelty is the chapter “Areas of strategic concern”, which provides guidance for follow-up strategic and conceptual work. Further elaborated are especially the areas of (1) Czechia‘s place in international relations, (2) Czechia‘s defence and the tasks of our armed forces, (3) Cyber security, (4) Economic security, (5) Internal security, and (6) Civil protection and crisis management.
Key messages of the Security Strategy of the Czech Republic
- Czechia is not secure. The main source of the threats is the much deteriorated international situation.
- Russia‘s war against Ukraine has ended the period of peace, stability and cooperation enjoyed by Europe after the end of the Cold War.
- Russia acts deliberately against Czechia‘s political, economic and social stability. It poses a fundamental threat to our security.
- China calls into question the international order. This has adverse implications for Euro-Atlantic security.
- Russia and China share the interest to weaken the influence and unity of democratic countries. This systemic rivalry is of a long-term nature.
- Czechia must be able to withstand hostile influences in the cyber, information, economic and intelligence spheres.
- Czechia must prepare thoroughly for the possibility that it could become part of an armed conflict.
- Czechia must be prepared to deal with emergencies and crisis situations, including long-term crises, caused by climate change or extraordinary human-made events.
- Europe‘s security is interlinked with security and stability in Europe‘s neighbourhood.
- NATO and EU membership is of critical importance to Czechia. A threat to an ally is a threat to Czechia.
- Citizens are contributors rather than mere consumers of security. A crucial task for the Government is to prepare them for this role.
- The only answer to today‘s complex threats is a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach.
- Czechia, together with its allies, will make itself secure. However, we will need to invest in every aspect of our security.