Report on the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic 2000


The full text of the Report is available on Google books.



The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared the second summary Report on the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic, this time for the year 2000. It submits to the reader a detailed review of the activities of the state in the sphere of foreign policy. It enables the reader to assess the way the Government has been applying its policy statement of August 1998 and its Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic, which it approved in February 1999 and which was endorsed by the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in June 1999.

Foreign policy plays a major role in the policy of each state, the Czech Republic notwithstanding. Demands placed on Czech foreign policy were particularly great in 2000 since that was the time the basic political and security outline was created alongside the conditions for the favourable progress of the Czech Republic in the 21st century.

The foreign policy of the Czech Republic was oriented towards factors and forces which support peace, stability, security, order, and those that can be foreseen and ensure continuity. In this respect it has scored a number of positive results. "The Report on the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic for the year 2000" provides concrete testimony to this effect.

Jan Kavan
Deputy Prime Minister of the Government
and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic



Report on the Foreign Policy of the Czech Republic 2000 1 MB pdf (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 7, 2009

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