Small Scale Projects 2017


Small Scale Projects  under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) represent one of principal instruments of bilateral development cooperation of the Czech Republic. Such projects are carried out  in cooperation with embassies of the Czech Republic by local stakeholders directly in developing countries. Financial funds of the Czech Republic contribute in this way to fulfill developing needs and to create positive change straight in location.

Following the recommendations of the  OECD/DAC and peer review conclusions  financial funds were invested in 2017 in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and in Middle Income Countries (MICs).  Selecting the project proposal the embassies and relevant evaluation committees take into account the foreign policy context and priorities, current security situation and real development needs of the country. Especially in non-resident countries, it is necessary to evaluate the risk of the proposed project, its impacts and to examine local partners. At the identification phase of the proposed project, care is also taken to ensure that the project is complementary with national development plans and strategies.

Cambodia: Affordable Drinking Water for Villages in Ou Rei, Implementer Lien Aid,

Cambodia: Affordable Drinking Water for Villages in Ou Rei, Implementer Lien Aid,

In 2017 the total of 29 million CZK were allocated for small scale projects following the Government Resolution No. 631 of 11th July 2016 on Czech Development Cooperation in 2017 and medium-term perspective for its funding until 2019. Five small scale projects implemented in Syria in the amount of 2.4 million CZK represented a special subcategory within the implementation of the program “Provision of Humanitarian, Development and Reconstruction Assistance to Syria for 2016-2019”.  There were implemented 100 small scale projects with a total value of 31 million CZK in 54 countries in 2017.

In geographical terms, most projects were implemented in the regions of Asia and Oceania (31 projects in 14 countries total valued 9.6 million CZK) and the Western Balkans (14 projects in 5 countries with a total value of 3.7 million CZK). Other projects were implemented in regions of Eastern Europe (9 projects in 4 countries total valued 3.2 million CZK) and sub-Saharan Africa (18 projects in 13 countries total valued 6.2 million CZK). The lowest amount of projects was implemented in Central and South America (10 projects in 10 countries total valued 2 million CZK), in the Middle East and in the North African countries (18 projects in 8 countries valued for almost 6.3m CZK).
