Martin Smolek
26.06.2015 / 10:00 | Aktualizováno: 02.01.2023 / 15:32
Director General
JUDr. Martin Smolek, Ph.D., LL. M., was appointed Director General for Legal and Consular Affairs on June 26, 2015.
Born in České Budějovice, on February 26, 1976.
2004 Dissertation Thesis Implementation and Enforcement of the EU and International Environmental Law
2002–2004 Diplomatic Academy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2001–2004 Postgraduate Studies, Charles University, Faculty of Law, Public Law (Constitutional Law, Administration Law, Financial Law, Environmental Law, Social Law)
2000–2001 Humbolt University of Berlin (Law of the EU, International Law, Environmental Law)
2001 Rigorous Thesis
1996–2000 Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law
2008–till now Agent of the Czech Republic before the Court of the European Union
2002–till now Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Office of the Agent of the Czech Republic before the Court of the European Communities and the Court of First Instance
2001–2002 Ministry of Environment, Approximation of Law Dept.
2000 Exchange Scholarship, European Commission (Political Dept.), EU Delegation in Berlin, F. R. G.
Married, bringing up three children
English, German, French, Polish