Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Masaryk´s Apartment – Entrance Hall


The official apartment of Minister of Foreign Affairs, so-called Masaryk´s Apartment, was built by architect Pavel Janák in the 1930s while the Czernin Palace being reconstructed. It is called after Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Masaryk.


The first minister using the apartment was Kamil Krofta. In the World War II, the Czernin Palace was used as the Headquarter of the Reichsprotektor Office. In 1945, having returned from exile Jan Masaryk became an occupant of the apartment. Jan Masaryk perished in the apartment in the night on March 10, 1945, fortnight after the Communist putsch. After Masaryk´s demise the apartment was abandoned and converted into office rooms. The Masaryk´s apartment was reconstructed for ceremonial purposes after the Velvet revolution in 1989.

The Entrance Hall of the Masaryk´s Apartment is used as a press conferences venue at present. The hall is decorated by the two oldest tapestries in the Czernin Palace. The renessaince tapestries were made in centre of European tapestry production, the Flanders around 1550. Both tapestries were bought from inheritance of deceased Jiří Kristián, Prince of Lobkowitz in 1928 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The most precious tapestry in the hall depicts Triumph of Alexander the Great. It forms a part of three-tapestry cycle depicting Alexander´s triumphs. The complete cycle was made in Brussels around 1650 and it is located in the Czernin Palace. An oriental section of the tapestry collection of the Czernin Palace is represented by a carpet with so-called tughra, i.e. a calligraphic monogram of an Ottoman sultan, made in Turkey in the end of the 19th century. A Late Renessaince painted wooden ceiling was made in the 17th century. A current location of the ceiling is not its original location. It was found in the southern wing of the Czernin Palace during its reconstruction in the 1930s. Architect Pavel Janák got it moved into the Entrance Hall of the Masaryk´s Apartment for decorative purposes.


Předsálí Masarykova bytu / Masaryk´s Apartement – Entrance Hall
