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Concert to mark the end of the Czech V4 Presidency


On June 23, 2016, a concert to mark the end of the Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4) took place at the residence of Ambassador Jana Reinišová in The Hague. The Czech Republic passes the V4 presidency on July 1, 2016, to Poland. more ►

Beethoven Festival - Domenica Trio


A Czech cellist Petr Nouzovský will perform at a classical music festival Beethovenfestival Zutphen 2016 with Domenica Trio, composed of Petr Nouzovský – violoncello, Tony Rous– violin, Suzanne Rous-Woelderink – viola. more ►

Film club of the Czech Centre Rotterdam: A Night at Karlstein


On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the Czech king and Roman emperor Charles’s IV birth, the Czech Centre will present one of the most popular Czech film musicals “A Night at Karlstein“ (1973; 83 min.). more ►

Commemoration of František Škroup in Rotterdam


Ambassador Ms Jana Reinišová honored the memory of Mr František Škroup, composer and author of the Czech national anthem, on June 2, 2016, at Rotterdam cemetery Crooswijk. more ►



The Czech Centre Rotterdam invites you to Maastricht. Fashionclash - the eighth edition of the prestigious fashion multidisciplinary platform for gathering of young and emerging designers and artists associated with fashion: from textile design,… more ►

´Koudelka shooting Holy Land´ will be shown in The Hague


A screening not to be missed. On the 19th of June 2016 at the Filmhuis in The Hague - the feature film „Koudelka shooting the Holy Land“. more ►

European Film Festival 2016 – ´Something Like Happiness´ (Štěstí)


The Czech Centre Haag/Rotterdam is one of the organizers of the second edition of European Film Festival, which is arranged by European Commission Representation and the European Parliament Information Office in the Netherlands in cooperation… more ►

Démanty Noci (Diamonds of the Night)

On the 6th of June 2016, Filmhuis Lumen in Delft will be screening a film by a recently deceased Czech film director Jan Němec, “Démanty noci”. This film will be screened in collaboration with the Czech Centre Haag/Rotterdam. more ►

European Literature Night

The night of 11th May belongs to the European literature. Novelists from all over Europe will gather in Amsterdam at De Brakke Grond where they will share their stories of both their dreams and nightmares. more ►

The ceremonies on the anniversaries of international tribunals in The Hague


On 19 April the new permanent headquarters of the International Criminal Court was inaugurated in The Hague. Wednesday, 20 April, the celebration of 70 years of the International Court of Justice took place at the Peace Palace in The Hague . more ►