Visit of State Secretary Petr Gajdusek in Syria
15.03.2017 / 09:49 | Aktualizováno: 02.07.2024 / 15:15
In the date of 27.2.2017 arrived State Secretary Petr Gajdusek to the Embassy of the Czech Republic as a part of his visit to Lebanon and Syria.
He was welcomed by H.E. Eva Filipi and during his following meeting with employees of the Embassy he explained legislative changes regarding the Law of State Service and draft of the Law of Foreign Service, which imminently effects state employees´ legal status. State Secretary was also answering employees´ questions during the lunch served in nearby of the Embassy´s building.
A part of the three days schedule of State Secretary´s visit was sightseeing in the Old city of Damascus. There he visited a gallery, complex of the Malkit Orthodox Patriachate, which receives support from the Czech republic and then was welcomed by head caretaker of the Umayyad mosque. Last evening before his departure State Secretary together with H.E. Eva Filipi and other employees of the Embassy had a dinner hosted by future honorary consul of the Czech Republic in Syria George al-Baghdadi.
The third day of his stay in Syria visited State Secretary the US Embassy in Damascus as the Czech Republic serves as its “Protecting power” and saw the local employees´ agenda. Then he once again visited the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Damascus and awarded the local employees with certificates of appreciation as well as thanked them for their service for the Czech Republic under uneasy conditions in the war. Before his departure from Damascus State Secretary met again all the Czech employees of the Embassy and expressed his satisfaction with their work including the members of ÚRN and his gratitude to all of them for their working attitude despite difficult circumstances of the six years ongoing Syrian crisis.