Prague European Summit 2021

On 12-14 July top European officials, members of academia, representatives of think-tanks, as well as delegates from the corporate sphere and media will gather in Prague’s Czernin palace to debate issues concerning the future of the European Union.

The 7th edition of the Prague European Summit is divided into two policy tracks, focusing on political, as well as economic topics. The political track will debate issues concerning the EU's external relations, such as democratization in the world, transatlantic affairs, international trade or EU’s Neighbourhood Policy. The economic track will focus on the issues concerning Post-pandemic recovery from the European Green Deal, digitalization to economic and gender (in)equality.

Aside from the public panel discussions and closed expert roundtables, the summit will also welcome 30 young policy leaders in its Future European Leaders Forum (FELF) in the span of 12-16 July. FELF is an official part of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The Summit is organized in a hybrid format with around 200 participants attending physically, while further participants will follow the summit online.

Since its inception in 2015, it is Prague European Summit’s goal to advance strategic discussions about pan-European topics from the CEE perspective. Each year, at the Summit, the Czech foreign minister furthermore bestows the “Vision for Europe” award to a person that has significantly contributed to European integration, and this year will be no different. Last year’s recipients of the award was Federica Mogherini and Margot Wallstrom.

Prague European Summit is thankful to all of its partners. In case you would like to follow the summit and updates about our speakers, programme, partners or other important announcements, you can stay up to date via our Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, as well as hashtags #PES2021 and #PragueSummit.

Registration for on-line/in-person attendance

In case you would like to follow the summit, please do take the opportunity to register. If you state in-person attendance as your preference, please take a note that it is subject to confirmation from the organizer’s side due to capacity and Covid-19 safety reasons. In any case, you will have an opportunity to follow the summit on-line. Moreover, please take note of the opportunity to remotely attend our public Urban Talks discussion on Green Transformation done in cooperation with PWC on 14th July 4pm CET.

Urban Talks

Urban Talks

Contact: Michal Beneš, Communications Manager & Spokesperson,, +420 737 389 258.