“Singing with Masaryk” for adults and “Ten Commandments of Masaryk” for children
16.10.2018 / 18:35 | Aktualizováno: 14.05.2019 / 12:35
Two cultural events were held on 5th and 6th October at the residence of the Embassy of the Czech Republic. Events were organized by the expat community vKodani.cz along with support from the Embassy.
Similarly as last year, adults were welcomed to a Friday festive event and children followed on Saturday morning. This time expats invited Daniel Dobiáš, a musician and lyricist, who worked with Jan Vodňanský in the past, and joined the National Art School in Louny while receiving the grant from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. Friday's “Singing with Masaryk” was conceived as a “musical party” typically held at the Chateau of Lány. Folk songs were played for Masaryk's family and others.
The Saturday’s program was dedicated to children of all ages. Even the smallest children listened to the ten wise commandments of President Masaryk concerning their everyday behaviour very carefully.