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Photo: Kornélie Gronská
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Inter-ministerial consultations on development cooperation

Inter-ministerial expert consultations on development cooperation took place on May 24, 2018 in Copenhagen. The meeting was chaired by the Secretary of State for Development Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark Martin Bille Hermann and the Director of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs Václav Bálek.

The parties discussed the conceptual issues of foreign development cooperation, where both countries follow new strategic documents. Additionally, topics such as the relationship between development cooperation and humanitarian aid as well as the bilateral and multilateral dimension and forms of involvement of the private sector in development cooperation were discussed. The consultations showed how similar both countries are in terms of conceptual and practical views on development cooperation and humanitarian aid and it creates good conditions for successful co-ordination of attitudes of both countries in international organizations (UN, EU, etc.).