The Film "Fair Play" presented by its director in Copenhagen
26.10.2015 / 11:42 | Aktualizováno: 19.01.2016 / 16:08
On 16 October – 4 November 2015 the film festival dedicated to cinematography of Central and Eastern European countries took place in Cinemateket in Copenhagen.
The Czech Republic was represented by the film "Fair Play" which was introduced by its director Andrea Sedláčková on Saturday 24 October. The audience had an opportunity to see the film also on Thursday 29 October at 9.45 pm.
Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Denmark Jiří Brodský (on the right) with the director Ms. Andrea Sedláčková
This film festival intends to present to the Danish audience contemporary feature and documentary films from Central and Eastern Europe which usually don't get an opportunity to be shown within common distribution. This year the festival offers total eleven films from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Rumania and Russia.