The Forman Brothers’ Theatre at the "Festival of Wonder" in Silkeborg

The traditional International Festival of Puppet Theatre, “The Festival of Wonder“, took place 10–13 November in Silkeborg on the Jutland Peninsula.

The Festival of Wonder has been held regularly every second year since 1986. Besides performances for children and adults, the festival also offers space for creative workshops, exhibitions, screening of puppet movies and meetings of professional artists.


Apart from several Danish puppet theatres, 11 foreign theatres from all over the world performed on this year’s 25th anniversary. After the big success of the performance Obludárium by The Forman Brothers’ Theatre in 2009, the organizers decided to invite the Czech theatre once again this year. Also this time the performance caused a big interest and was warmly accepted by the public. The Forman Brothers’ Theatre played four entirely sold out performances. As part of the festival programme the visitors also had the opportunity to watch a recorded version of another performance by the theatre group – The Baroque Opera.

The performance Obludárium by the Forman Brothers’ Theatre

The Czech puppet artist Patricie Homolová who lives and works in Denmark and regularly performs at Silkeborg’s festival, brought another Czech element into the festival programme. This year she prepared a performance together with the puppet theatres Svanen and Gyda. She was also the designer of this year’s poster.

The performance Babushka by the puppet theatre Gyda