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Peter Bugge winner of the Gratias agit Award 2020

Gratias agit Award

This year's Gratias agit Award, given by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, was won by Mr. Peter Brugge, a Danish university lecturer, translator, and a prominent promoter of the Czech language and culture. more ►

Denmark is in the red category from December 21, 2020

Coronavirus - Traffic Lights

Based on available data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic has updated the list of countries with a low risk of infection. From Monday, December 21, Denmark will be… more ►

“I Enjoy the World with You” in Husets Biograf

I Enjoy the World with You

On Tuesday 1 December 2020, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf arranged another film night. For the December screening, we have chosen a family comedy I Enjoy the World with You (1982) by director Marie… more ►

Concert by The Ensemble Martinů

The Ensemble Martinů

On Wednesday 16 September 2020, a concert by Prague piano quartet Ensemble Martinů consisting of Miroslav Matějka (flute), Radka Preislerová (violin), Bledar Zajmi (violoncello) and Veronika Böhmová (piano) took place in Christians Kirke in… more ►

Concert of Opera Trio Les Voix

Les Voix

On Monday 31 August 2020, a concert of an opera trio “Les Voix” took place at the residence of the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen. more ►

Danish edition of a book Spaceman of Bohemia

Spaceman of Bohemia

On Wednesday 26 February, the Danish translation of the book Spaceman of Bohemia by the Czech-American writer Jaroslav Kalfař was presented at the residence of the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen. The novel Spaceman of Bohemia was published in 2017… more ►