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Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Czechia to the Kingdom of Denmark

Jiří Ellinger

Jiří Ellinger

Since 9/2023               Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to the Kingdom of Denmark

11/2022-8/2023         Chargé d´affaires a. i., Embassy of the Czech Republic, Bern

8/2022-10/2022        Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of the Czech Republic, Bern

2/2020-8/2022          Director, Control Policies Department, Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Prague

8/2018-2/2020          Deputy Director, Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Department, Czech MFA, Prague

8/2014-8/2018           Deputy Permanent Representative (DPR), Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations, New York

8/2011-5/2014            Director, Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Department, Czech MFA, Prague

8/2006-7/2011           Head of the Political Section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic, Washington DC

9/2005-8/2006          Director of the Cabinet (Chief of Staff) of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech MFA, Prague

12/2003-8/2005        Deputy Director, Cabinet of the Minister, Czech MFA, Prague

7/2002-12/2003        Cabinet of the Minister, Czech MFA, Prague

3/2002-6/2002          Attaché, Czech Embassy in London

9/2001-2/2002          Diplomatic Academy, Czech MFA, Prague

Mr. Ellinger was born in Dačice in 1974. He studied history at the Charles University in Prague (1992-1997) and at the Queen´s College in Oxford (1999-2000). He obtained his PhD in world history in 2006 and has lectured on British and American history at the Charles University. He is co-author of the book České země v evropských dějinách od roku 1918 (Czech Lands in the European History After 1918, Prague 2006) and author of biography of Neville Chamberlain (Od usmiřování k válce: Neville Chamberlain, Prague 2009).

Mr. Ellinger joined the Czech Foreign Ministry in 2001.

He and his wife Libuše (who is an art teacher) have two children, Matěj and Anna.