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En publikation til nordiske handels- og investeringspartnere

Vi bringer jer hermed en ny publikation til Tjekkiets nordiske handels- og investeringspartnere. Forordet, der er dedikeret til tjekkisk-danske relationer er skrevet af Tjekkiets ambassadør i Danmark, Jiří Brodský og tjekkisk-danske forretningsforhold analyseres i en artikel af souschef Miroslav Čančík.

Dear Readers,

The economic relations between the Czech Republic and the Kingdom of Denmark benefit from increasing trade volume (the Czech export has almost doubled since 2010), the long-term presence of more than 90 Danish investors in the Czech Republic, and ties in politics, culture and science which date back to the 13th Century.

Denmark is the closest Nordic country to the Czech Republic, well connected with highways and railways, and direct flights operated by Czech Airlines to Copenhagen and Billund. Danish companies like Lego, Marius Pedersen, Bang & Olufsen, Rockwool and others chose the Czech Republic for their investments, due to its position in the very heart of Europe, its convenient infrastructure and access to other countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as for its favourable investment climate, strong economic performance (currently the best among the EU member states), highly skilled labour force, industrial base and top technical university graduates.

Danish businessmen also find the Czech Republic attractive for its historical sights, rich culture and natural beauty. Both Czechs and Danes like to relax outdoors and the Czech Republic currently boasts more than 100 golf courses, numerous Alpine and cross-country ski resorts, and great cycling opportunities. Danish tourists increasingly like to explore the Czech Republic through camping, visits to mini-breweries or the producers of excellent Moravian wine.

Danish companies find Czech partners for important tenders, both in Denmark and abroad, in the energy sector, modernisation of the infrastructure, construction projects, agriculture and the food industry. I am pleased that we have seen such partnerships winning tenders, thanks to the precision and quality of their products or services, and innovative solutions.

There are opportunities for Danish firms in the Czech Republic, particularly in the sectors where they are recognised as leaders: e.g. energy, design, architecture, smart cities. It is equally important for the Czech Republic to promote its relations with Greenland and the Faroe Islands, food processing and tourism being the strongest sectors. The Czech Embassy in Copenhagen has economic diplomacy as its key priority and is ready to support your activities. I feel certain that if you are seeking a long-term investment in a stable economic environment, the Czech Republic is where you will be successful.


Jiří Brodský

Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Kingdom of Denmark

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Publikace "Czech Republic Your Trade Partner"