170 YEARS OF CZECH NEW YORK - Mon 27 Sep 2021 7PM
24.08.2021 / 19:57 | Aktualizováno: 24.08.2021 / 21:48
Join us for the talk with Martin Nekola about his book Czech New York on the history of fellow emigrants in the city over the past two centuries. The event is co-organized by the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York.
Czechs began to settle in New York City in large numbers during the second half of the 19th century. This great wave of immigration came as a result of the Revolution of 1848 and the so-called “Bach´s absolutism”, the oppressive regime of Austrian interior minister Alexander von Bach.
More info at https://new-york.czechcentres.cz/en/program/170-let-ceskeho-new-yorku?locale=en.
Entry for vaccinated patrons only.
Indoors event, visitors must wear a facial covering.