08.11.2022 / 19:44 | Aktualizováno: 08.11.2022 / 19:53
Please join us on Sunday, November 13th, 2022 at 4 p.m. at Church of St. Ignatius Loyola for JURAJ FILAS MEMORIAL MASS.
Juraj Filas was one of Czech Republic and Slovakia’s greatest composers of the late 20th century.
Indeed, he was the first living composer to have been played in New York’s Carnegie Hall since 1959. In the last fifteen years, his works were presented at Carnegie six times and in other venerated halls across the globe. Juraj Filas was the author of more than 120 opuses across the genres of concerts, symphonies, cantatas, operas, and chamber music.
His life and music will be celebrated this Sunday during a Memorial Mass at the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
The mass will present Joe Alessi (trombone), Ken Tritle (organ), Lukáš Dvořák (organ), Otto Sauter (trumpet), Susane Phillips (sopran) and Matthew Plenk (tenor).
Through the Memorial Mass the music professionals who admired JURAJ'S music will perform:
Joseph Alessi principal trombone player of NY Philharmonic
Susanna Philips lyric soprano, performed at the MET and premiering JURAJ'S requiem ORATIO SPEI
Matthew Plenk tenor, performed at the MET and is on recording of JURAJ'S requiem ORATIO SPEI
Otto Sauter world leading soloist on piccolo trumpet based in Germany commissioned 6 JURAJ'S pieces
Kent Tritle leading choral conductor and organ player at the NY Philharmonic, conductor of JURAJ'S recorded requiem ORATIO SPEI with Prague Symphony Orchestra and The Kuhn Choir of Prague
Juraj and his music will stay in our hearts forever.