Jazz Recital “You Taught My Heart To Sing” featuring MARTINA BARTA
17.04.2023 / 18:59 | Aktualizováno: 17.04.2023 / 19:19
Join us for an amazing night filled with wonderful music of the highest quality you should not miss… The concert will be followed by the meet the artists glass of wine (Czech beer Pilsner and Moravian Slivovitz will be served for free after the event).
The renowned Czech jazz singer Martina BARTA put together for this occasion a special concert program with a title “You Taught My Heart To Sing” featuring excellent American jazz musicians - Joe BLOCK (piano), John WEBBER (bass), Joe FARNSWORTH (drums) and Stacy DILLARD (tenor saxophone).
The event is organized by the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York with support of the KBC Bank and Rudolf Jelínek, Czech Distillery. Admission to the concert is free, but seating is limited so be sure to RSVP as soon as possible.
More information including the registration can be found at Evenbrite.
Invitation - Jazz Recital M. Barta (DOC, 4 MB)