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Exhibition of Broumov’s churches in the Bohemian National Hall in New York City

On February 27, an opening of the Tempus fugit exhibition dedicated to the Baroque churches from and around of the city of Broumov was held in the Bohemian National Hall.

The exhibition was launched by the Dean of Broumov Roman Catholic parish Mr. Martin Lanza, whose opening speech mentioned a deplorable state of some of the eight baroque churches of the region. He mentioned the activities that the parish in collaboration with the regional offices and the Ministry of Culture undergoes for their salvation. The exhibition was completed with a projection of a short film picturing these unique Czech Baroque monuments.

The exhibition Tempus fugit presents the pictures of eight baroque churches of the Broumov point (each photograph of the church exterior is accompanied by a collage of photographs of its interior).  Visitors have a chance to explore this exhibition until March 3 when it will be moved to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ottawa. The visitors have also an opportunity to charitably contribute to the parish and help with rebuilding the churches whose total cost could, according to a preliminary estimate reach easily a half a billion Czech Crowns. The exhibition also presented a beautiful book picturing the Broumov churches which is available for sale during the exhibition.



Broumovské kostely