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Czech Language Courses and Studies in the Czech Republic in 2024/2025

We present the possibilities to study in the Czech Republic for members of the Czech-American community in 2024/2025. March 15, 2024 is the deadline for the applications. Last year, three students from Minnesota and Wisconsin spend four incredible weeks in Poděbrady. In Summer 2024 it can be you!

Every year, there is an opportunity to receive a scholarship for a 4-week course in the Czech language for Czechs living abroad and their descendants, for a 2-week course for teachers of the Czech language and scholarships for one or two semesters at Czech universities.

For more details, see the web of Dum zahranicnich sluzeb (Czech National Agency for International Education and Research)

Programme for the Support of Czech Cultural Heritage Abroad | Dům zahraniční spolupráce (dzs.cz)


1/ A four-week course of the Czech language for Czechs living abroad and their descendants

Term: July 8 – August 2, 2024

Location: Poděbrady

Four-week summer vacation Czech language course (July/August) is intended for Czech compatriots over 18 years of age who live abroad and would like to learn their predecessors' language or improve their existing Czech language skills. The course gives them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the Czech culture and get to know part of the Czech Republic. Tuition takes place in groups according to ability level and is led by experienced teachers. A generous extracurricular program (forums, excursions, lectures, weekend day trips, etc.) is prepared for course participants. Tuition, board, and lodging are provided to select participants free of charge. These participants receive also a financial contribution towards travel to and from the Czech Republic (5000 CZK). Health care costs are covered for them within the scope laid down in Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on Residence of Foreigners in the Czech Republic and on Amendment of Some Other Acts, as amended. Upon completing the course, participants receive a graduation certificate. Application forms may be submitted online and via Embassy of the Czech Republic or Czech Consulate, and must be submitted by March 15, 2024.

To apply you should:
- Fill out an electronic application;

- Print out the application, sign and send it to Czech Consulate General in Chicago together with a recommendation of a compatriot organization which will contain a reasoning about your participation in the language course and effectivity of use of gained skills, and copy of your passport before March 15, 2024.

The online application form you can find HERE

There is a possibility of a self-paid course.

Letní kurz češtiny pro krajany - Univerzita Karlova - ÚJOP UK - Ústav jazykové a odborné přípravy (cuni.cz)



Please note that the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago covers only the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. If you reside in another US state, you have to apply at the competent Czech consulate or Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, DC.


2/ A two-week course for teachers of the Czech language from the compatriot community

Term: August 26 – September 6, 2024

The course is intended for Czech language teachers from the compatriot community. The participants will learn about methods of teaching Czech language abroad. They will also visit institutions related to the Czech language and literature as part of the course. Costs for transport, board and lodging are covered for participants who obtain the scholarship. Transport costs are reimbursed if the arrival is maximally 2 weeks before the course and departure 2 weeks after the course. Transport costs by private car are not reimbursed.  In addition, participants get CZK 1,000 for personal expenses. Participant have to be 18 years old and have a very goof knowledge of Czech language.

Term for filling out of the online application is March 15, 2024

Print out the application and send it to Czech Consulate General in Chicago together with a recommendation of a compatriot organization before March 15, 2024.

The recommendation of the compatriot organization has to contain support of the applicant and reasons for the participation in the course for development of educational and cultural activities of the compatriot organization.


3/ Scholarships for one or two semesters at the Czech universities

Scholarships for students from the compatriot community at universities in the Czech Republic in the following subjects: Czech language for foreigners, teaching of Czech language and literature, history, ethnology, history of art and theology.  Good knowledge of Czech language is a prerequisite for receiving a scholarship.  

           More information and online application form Databáze Krajané (databaze-krajane.cz) .

Terms for application

  • for one-semester studies in the winter semester 2022/2023 (September 2024 – February 2025) until March 15, 2024
  • for two-semester studies in the winter and summer semester 2022/2023 (September 2024 to June 2025) until March 15, 2024
  • for one-semester studies in the summer semester 2022/2023 (February 2025 to June 2025) until August 15, 2024

 Please send the printed and signed application to the  Consulate General of the Czech republic in Chicago, together with your current CV, medical certification of  your eligibility for studies, detailed study program and copy of your passport, by March 15, 2023.

After the acceptance by the Czech university, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports will send the Decision on granting the scholarship and the Confirmation of Accommodation to recipients of the scholarship through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.


Please address your applications to:

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago

205 N Michigan, Suite 16870, Chicago IL 60601