Consular information

Here you will find information how to obtain Czech civil registry documents through our Embassy, such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.

Termination of the Czech permanent residency

A citizen of the Czech Republic who has decided to terminate their permanent residence in the territory of the Czech Republic must notify the relevant local authority of their place of permanent residence in the Czech Republic (the notification… 

Registration of divorce


If a Czech citizen divorces outside the Czech Republic, he or she must register the divorce in the Czech Republic. A Czech citizen can apply for registration of the divorce at the competent Czech office that registered his or her marriage, at… 



What is an Apostille and how to apply for it? 

Czech Criminal Record


An extract from the Criminal Register of the Czech Republic can be requested in the following ways: Through the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Canberra: 1) in person; or Through the Public Administration Portal (electronic extract):…