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Amended harmonised list of documents for Schengen visas by applicants in Egypt

As of 27 April 2023 the European Commission Decision, sets out the list of supporting documents to be submitted by applicants in Egypt for short stay visas and repealing Implementing Decision C(2012) 1152.

This amended harmonised list of documents to be presented with short-term (Schengen) visa applications is found below.


I. General requirements for all applicants

1. Travel arrangements
Proof of intended means of transport and itinerary.
Proof of accommodation, such as:
 a prepaid hotel reservation
 confirmation of a hotel reservation
 confirmation of prepaid accommodation
 confirmation of private accommodation
 proof of sufficient financial means to cover accommodation costs.
Proof of private accommodation may also be provided by a host in line with certain legal
requirements (some Member States require a specific national form to be completed; see
Section 2).

2. Proof of financial means
Original bank account statements with an official bank stamp and signature and
translations of the statements, showing activity over the last 6 months, or proof of other
assets. In addition, the following documents are required.
(a) For employees:
 a certificate of employment, specifying the recruitment date, position in the
company and salary level
(b) For company owners:
 original of the commercial registry and tax card.
(c) For students:
 proof of enrolment in school/university.
If relevant, proof of financial means may be given by submitting an official national form
of sponsorship and/or private accommodation (required by some Member States).

3. Traveller profile (family ties and travel history)
Proof of the applicant’s family ties and marital status in Egypt through an extract of the
Kid Aely family register.
For first-time applicants or applicants who have lost their passport: The Mogamma
(movement) certificate (indicating if the applicant has had previous passports and if the
applicant has previously travelled to the Member States).
For non-Egyptian nationals: Proof of legal residence in Egypt, valid for 3 months beyond
the intended date of departure from the territory of the Member States.

4. Additional requirements for minors
(a) If minors travel without their legal guardian(s):

 consent of the parental authority (both parents) or legal guardian(s) must be
provided either through a notarised certificate or a form signed at the consulate
premises or at the external service provider;
 a copy of the minor’s birth certificate and a copy of each parent’s passport must be
(b) If minors travel with only one of their legal guardians:
 consent of the parental authority or legal guardian not travelling with their minor
child must be provided through a notarised certificate or a form signed at the
consulate premises or at the external service provider;
 a copy of the minor’s birth certificate and a copy of the passport of the authorising
adult must be provided.

II. Documents to be submitted depending on the purpose of travel

1. Tourism
 If the applicant is employed: Confirmation of leave approval.
 If visiting more than one Member State: Trip itinerary.

2. Business
(a) Official invitation from the inviting company (on official company paper, stamped
and signed) containing the following information:
 the full address of the company and contact persons
 nature of the business
 name and position of the person signing the invitation
 purpose and duration of the visit
 person or entity who will bear the applicant’s travel and living costs.
(b) Information to be provided by the sending company:
 Copy of the sending company’s recent registry/tax card.
 Statement on official company paper stamped and signed, containing the following
o full address of the company and contact persons
o name and position of the person signing the statement
o applicant’s name, position, salary and number of years employed (if
o purpose of the visit
o the characteristics of the applicant’s work contract
o person or entity who will bear the applicant’s travel and living costs.

3. Visit of private family/friends
A personal letter of invitation, containing the following information:
 applicant’s full name
 host’s full name and address
 duration of visit.
If relevant, an official national sponsorship form may be requested.
If the host’s data has not been checked by the authorities of the Member State dealing
with the application, the applicant should present:
(a) a copy of the host’s ID card or bio data page of the host’s passport
(b) host’s residence permit, if applicable
(c) proof of residence of the host (property title deeds, rental agreements etc.) or proof of
(d) the host’s last three payslips or their proof of income if the host is paying for the visit.

4. Medical treatment
(a) Certificate from the referring doctor in Egypt and/or a medical institution stating
the kind of medical treatment or examination needed.
(b) Official document from the receiving medical institution confirming that it can
perform the specific medical treatment and that the patient will be accepted
accordingly, including an estimate of the cost of the treatment.
(c) Financial guarantee: Confirmation of prepayment of the medical treatment or any
other proof of the financial arrangements made.

5. Participation in cultural or sports events
(a) Original letter of invitation from the organiser of the event in the destination Member
State containing the following information:
 name and date of the event
 detailed programme of the event
 role of the applicant in the event
 information of the body sponsoring the trip, accommodation and expenses during
the trip.
(b) Personalised letter from the institution sending the concerned applicant, if applicable,
or one of the following:
 a document proving the applicant’s membership in a national or other sports team
 a verbal note from the Egyptian Ministry of Sport and Youth confirming the
applicant’s membership in a sports association.
(c) Minors:
 original letter from the applicant’s school mentioning the full address and
telephone number of the school, permission for the absence, name and position of
the person giving permission
 student card (if available).

6. Airport transit
(a) Valid visa for the country of next or final destination
(b) Proof of the intention of carrying out the onward journey: copy of ticket or reservation
for onward flight, and explanation for travel route.