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Long-Term Visa vs. Residence Permit

Both the long-term visa and the long-term residence permit are issued when the stay on the territory of the Czech Republic is expected to exceed 3 months. In general, the long-term visa is primarily intended for persons who expect to stay in the Czech Republic for several months – for example study program lasting several months etc. Long-term residence permit is primarily intended for persons who expect a longer stay in the Czech Republic – for example study in a university program, employment etc.


Employment card and blue card are both types of long-term residence permits.

  1. allow stay exceeding 90 days (3 months)
  2. allow movement in the Schengen Area – stay in the other Schengen Area States may not exceed 90 days within any 180 days and must be of a non-profit nature
  3. long-term visas and long-term residence permits can be extended on the territory of the Czech Republic – in case the purpose of stay continues, kindly contact the respective branch of the Ministry of Interior according to the place of residence

Long-term visas:

  1. as multiple visas for a maximum of 1 year.
  2. for the purpose of culture, sport, family unification, entrepreneurship and other types.
  3. criminal record is requested and should be superlegalized from Czech Embassy in Cairo before the visa appointment.
  4. In case the marriage and birth certificate will be used as the main purpose of stay (family unification) then it should be superlegalized from the Czech Embassy in Cairo before the visa appointment.
  5. Medical Certificates are not requested.
  6. Medical Insurance will be requested after the visa approval.
  7. Detailed information concerning long -stay visa

Long-term residence permits:

  1. as one-entry visas for the purpose of collecting a long-term residence permit for stay on the territory of the Czech Republic in the duration of 60 days and validity 6 months
  2. criminal record is requested and should be superlegalized from Czech Embassy in Cairo before to apply for visa.
  3. In case the university degree is one of the requested documents to apply for visa then it should be superlegalized from the Czech Embassy in Cairo before the visa appointment.
  4. Medical Certificates are not requested.
  5. Medical Insurance will be requested after the visa approval.
  6. for the purpose of employment (employment card or blue card), and scientific research.

Legal sources:

  • Act No 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and Amending Certain Acts