Photo: mzv ČR

Nano Technologies 2022 event on 30 March: presentation and networking event in Brussels and meeting of representatives of leading scientific institutions from the Czech Republic at IMEC in Leuven

On 30 March 2022, the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Belgium organised a presentation and networking event entitled "Czech advanced research in nanotechnologies and its successful transfer into commercial solutions" in the Prague House in Brussels. This event constituted the Belgian part of a joint project of three Embassies of the Czech Republic in the Benelux countries within the framework of the economic and scientific diplomacy of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  

This event presented Czech successful nanotechnology companies members of the Association of Nanotechnology Industry of the Czech Republic, to the Belgian expert audience. Furthermore, leading Czech scientists presented their research and institutions from the Technical University of Liberec, CEITEC Brno and PalackýUniversity in Olomouc.  
Through its projects and programmes, the EU closely relates to the support of the nanotechnology sector in the field of research and industrial solutions. Therefore, this event also had a strong European dimension: Ms Martina Dlabajová, Member of the European Parliament and its Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, gave a videoconference opening speech. She informed the participants about the current activities of her committee and emphasised the possibilities of support for medium and small enterprises. In the final part, Associate Professor Jana Drbohlavová, a seconded national expert in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, reported on the work of the European Commission concerning nanotechnologies. Finally, Ms Elisabeth Lannoo, Head of the Policy Section of the Representation of the European Commission in Belgium, addressed the participants from the perspective of her institution.  
Representatives of Flemish and Walloon associations for export, investment and innovation promotion, companies, academia and the European Commission representatives participated in the event. 
In the afternoon part of the programme, the Embassy of the Czech Republic to Brussels prepared a meeting at the IMEC, a Belgian leading institute, and at the same time the global leader in research and development in the translation of scientific innovations into industrial solutions. This part of the programme was intended for representatives of Czech scientific institutions. The visit to IMEC in Leuven included a tour of one part of its laboratories. 
