December 10 marks International Human Rights Day

Every year on December 10, we commemorate International Human Rights Day, which marks the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. This important day is an opportunity to highlight the fundamental values of freedom, equality, dignity and justice that underpin Czech foreign policy. 

On this occasion, the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassies in many countries around the world organise the so-called "Mitterrand Breakfast", referring to the breakfast of former French President François Mitterrand with Czechoslovak dissidents in 1988 at the French Embassy in Prague. With this gesture, he expressed his support for them in their struggle for respect for human rights by the regime of the time. 

The protection of fundamental rights and freedoms is one of the core objectives of Czech foreign policy. Czechia upholds these values in its relations with other countries, as well as in the policy of the European Union and international organisations. Czech foreign policy seeks to ensure that international relations are based on the principles of law, democracy and respect for human rights. Through this approach, it contributes to security, stability and sustainable development at the global level.

Our country has already been a member of the UN Human Rights Council four times, in 2022-2023 (it even chaired it in 2023), and before that in 2019-2021, 2011-2014 and 2006-2007. In the next three years, it will again become a member of the Council. Its candidacy received the support of 166 countries when the UN General Assembly voted on October 9, 2024. This election further underlines how important human rights are to Czech foreign policy. It also confirms the positive perception of the country as a credible and capable partner contributing to the protection of human rights at the global level.

At the 57th session of the UN Human Rights Council, held this autumn, a resolution on equal participation in political and public affairs was adopted, submitted by Czechia and four other countries. This is the seventh successful initiative on this topic. This year's text of the resolution emphasises ensuring free and fair elections as a fundamental means of participation. It condemns any attempts to manipulate the electoral process, drawing attention to the negative impact of misinformation and hate speech. It expresses its support for the full and equal participation of women and condemns discrimination or violent acts that would discourage women from participating in elections.

Every November, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Brussels participates in the "Václav Havel European Dialogues" event. This year was the ninth edition and the main theme was the protection of democracy and human rights in the context of contemporary challenges and the role of the European Union in defending these values. Among the debating guests were Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský, Matti Maasikas from the European External Action Service (EEAS), Myriam Ferran from the European Commission's Directorate General for International Partnerships (INTPA), Maria Dahle from the Human Rights House Foundation and Marilyn Neven from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. The speakers agreed on the need to continue supporting civil society and protecting democratic principles of which Václav Havel was also an advocate. His views and emphasis on the role of civil society remain an inspiration today.