The Ambassador presented the Czech Republic at an investment seminar in Shenzhen
31.03.2021 / 13:03 | Aktualizováno: 31.03.2021 / 13:05
Investment seminar was held on March 24 in the technologically advanced South Chinese city of Shenzhen. The event was organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Beijing in cooperation with the regional representation of the CzechInvest agency. The project was implemented as a project supporting economic diplomacy with the financial support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic.
Ambassador Vladimír Tomšík introduced the business and investment environment of the Czech Republic to potential investors. More detailed information was provided in the presentation delivered by Mr. Jan Zapletal, Director of the Regional Representation of CzechInvest agency. The participants of the event, representatives of selected companies with the potential for investments generating high added value production, had also the opportunity to obtain specific information from experts based in the Czech Republic. Representatives of consulting and law firms that are members of the Association for Foreign Investment (AFI) were video-connected to the conference. The seminar was therefore very practically focused and potential investors received very comprehensive information that can support decisions on the location of investments in the Czech Republic.
The 13-million city of Shenzhen, which saw 3.1% year-on-year growth in gross domestic product (GDP) the last year, is considered the center of China's technological development. On the same day, the Ambassador discussed the possibilities of trade and economic cooperation with the Deputy Mayor, Mr. Ai Xuefeng.
Ladislav Horak, Head of the Economic Section, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Beijing