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Exhibitions and Events

Invitation to the 37th World Congress of Internal Medicine, Prague

Czech participation at the China Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen


From November 15 to 19, the 25th edition of the China Hi-Tech Fair took place in Shenzhen, city in Southern China. The event focused on the presentation of innovative domestic and foreign companies was also traditionally attended by the Embassy… more ►

After the covid break, Czech machinery companies once again participated in the CIMT fair


Czech machinery companies participated in the 18th edition of the prestigious CIMT - China International Machine Tool Show in Beijing. Representatives of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Beijing also actively participated in the fair, with… more ►

Restart of the trade fairs in Brno Exhibition Center after an annual break


The increase in herd immunity in the Czech Republic and in Europe is a good signal for the restart of trade fair and congress events in the Brno Exhibition Center. “Trade fairs are a part of business life. If we want to be back in business… more ►

62nd MSV International Engineering Fair moved to November


The MSV International Engineering Fair in Brno will take place this year from 8 to 12 November 2021. The management of BVV Trade Fairs Brno (Veletrhy Brno, a. s.) has decided to move it from September, taking into account the current development… more ►

Czech brands Alpine Pro and Skoda at the prestigious trade fair in Beijing


The Czech Republic presents itself at the Winter Sports Fair in Beijing. The Czech brands Alpine Pro and Skoda are exhibited at the Czech national stand at the fifth World Winter Sports (Beijing) Expo. more ►

The 62nd MSV International Engineering Fair will not take place until 2021


Due to the COVID situation, the traditional Brno International Engineering Fair, scheduled for October 5 – 9, 2020 held regularly since 1959 at the Brno Exhibition Center, in the Czech Republic has been canceled. more ►

Czech Republic as a partner country of the prestigious import trade fair CIIE in Shanghai


Radek Vondráček, President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, inaugurated the Czech national and commercial pavilion as a part of the second China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai on 5th November. The… more ►

BVV Trade Fairs Brno introduced to China their 2019 Trade Shows


On March 14, BVV Trade Fairs Brno organised a Press Conference introducing their year´s trade shows at the Embassy of the Czech Republic. One of the biggest attractions throughout the years has been the International Engineering Fair,… more ►

Fairgrounds and Tradefairs in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic hosts a variety of fairs and exhibitions as well as an array of prominent international trade fairs. The organization of trade fairs and exhibitions in the country has a long tradition dating back to the 19th century. The… more ►

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