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Ambassador of the Czech Republic on official visit to the Hunan Province

An official visit of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to China H.E. Libor Sečka to the Hunan Province in Midland China took place between 5th and 9th April 2012.

The Hunan Province is world-famous not only thanks to its delicious and extremely spicy cuisine but also by virtue of being a birthplace of legendary Chinese leader Mao Zedong. Hunan nowadays is booming part of China inhabited by 64 million of people. The province is focused on heavy industry, biotechnologies, construction machinery and building material. Due to its abundance in natural, historical and cultural sights and monuments the province is a favourite destination of both Chinese and foreign tourists.

In the province´s capital Changsha the Ambassador L. Sečka met the Governor of the Hunan Provincial People’s Government, Mr. Xu Shousheng, and Local Government Members. In friendly and open-minded dialog both parts discussed the possibility of mutual cooperation. They have jointly identified three areas of main focus:
a)      deepening of economic and commercial ties
b)     working on increasing of mutual tourist exchange
c)     cooperation in education and cultural area

The Governor Xu Shousheng also expressed his willingness to visit the Czech Republic.

Within his stay in Hunan the Ambassador L. Sečka paid a visit to the area of historical Yealu Academy that nowadays makes a part of the modern Hunan University which provides and expert knowledge to over 60 thousand students. With a great interest the Ambassador also visited Shaoshan - hometown of founder of modern China Mao Zedong and National Park in Zhangjiajie.