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Czech government officials expressed their condolences over the sinking of the boat on the Jangtze River


President of the Czech Republic, H. E. Milos Zeman expressed his deep sorrow over the sinking of the boat on Yangtze River in the letter addressed to President of PRC H.E. Ji Xinping. The condolences were also expressed by the other government… more ►

Czech National Bank Governor Discussed Cooperation in China


The Governor of the Czech National Bank Miroslav Singer payed a visit do China between 14 and 18 May 2015. He took part in a meeting of central bank governors from Central Asia and Europe in Shanghai. In Beijing Mr Singer held a meeting with the… more ►

Marathon runner Jitka Kížová visited the Czech Embassy in Beijing


Czech marathon runner Jitka Kížová stayed at the Embassy in Beijing during her visit on 9. – 13. May 2015. Jitka was preparing for the prestigious Great Wall Marathon, which is one of the most difficult runs in its category. The runners… more ►

EU Day in Beijing Celebrated Also with Czech Beer


On May 6th 2015 EU Delegation in Beijing celebrated EU Day with the presence of EU High Representative Frederica Mogherini who officially opened an exhibition “Tastes of Europe” that included Czech beer samples. more ►

Czech Vice Minister of Agriculture in China


The International Food and Beverage Festival SIAL 2015 and official meetings in Beijing were on the agenda during the visit of the Czech Vice Minister of Agriculture Jaroslava Beneš Špalková in China on 4 May to 8 May 2015. more ►