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Photo: Milan Marenčák

Czech Days in the Greater Bay Area, Fujian and Hainan 2018

What were the Czech Days in the Pearl River Delta Region

Czech Days 2018

The activities of this year’s Czech Days focused on the Pearl River Delta Region in southern China consisting of the Guangdong Province, Fujian, Hainan and the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macao. The theme and individual… more ►

Czech Days 2018 Ended in Style at Guangzhou Design Week

Czech Days 2018 Ended in Style at Guangzhou Design Week

This year's Czech Days series organized by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Beijing wrote its last chapter at the Guangzhou Design Week, which took place on November 27-29, 2018. The Czech Republic took part in the event as a partner country… more ►

Czech Aviation Celebrates Centenary at Zhuhai Airshow

Zhuhai Airshow

At the beginning of November, Czech companies from the area of aviation presented at Zhuhai Airshow - the most significant aviation expo in China. The concept of the Czech exhibition reflected on the celebrations surrounding the centenary of the… more ►

Beijing Book Fair with Albatros and soon with Lichozrouti

Pekingský knižní veletrh s Albatrosem a brzy i Lichožrouty

This year, the Czech Republic once again did not miss the Beijing Book Fair (BIBF). In cooperation with Czech centers, a brochure edition of the illustrators' exhibition (12 Worlds) was presented at the fair. From the Czech publishers, Albatros… more ►

Cultural Walk Through Prague with Lenny

foto lenny koncert

Just as the last year, this year once again took place an informal garden party called “Cultural Walk Through Prague”. It was continuation of the last year's successful event. This time emphasis was placed not only on Czech… more ►

Czech Days in 2018. Off to South China!

Czech Days 2018

In 2018 the Embassy of the Czech Republic is organizing a series of activities titled Czech Days, which will continue to support business, investment, culture and tourism exchanges and cooperation between the Czech Republic and China. This year… more ►