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Photo: Milan Marenčák
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Business and Investment Aspects of the Czech Days in Shanghai

The Czech Days in Shanghai in April 2015 will be another opportunity to further intensify the Czech-Chinese cooperation in business and investment. The event will be attended by dozens of Czech companies who will seek new opportunities on the Chinese market in various areas including new technologies. Emphasis will also be on Chinese investment possibilities in the Czech Republic.

The Czech-China Chamber of Collaboration is behind the Czech participation at the China Shanghai International Technology Fair (CSITF) 2015 and other parts of the Czech Days programme. The Chamber is one of the most active players in Czech-Chinese bilateral relations and the progress made in different areas of cooperation is very much a result of the Chamber’s long-term dedication. This year, the Chamber has in cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, the CzechTrade Agency and the Czech Embassy in Beijing set its focus on promoting Czech technologies. In the Czech Republic, the Chamber organises regularly the Chinese Investment Forum and puts emphasis on regional cooperation. The Czech-China Chamber of Collaboration along with its Chinese partner – the company CEFC – and the Czech Embassy in Beijing is the main organiser of the wide range of activities taking place as part of the Czech Days in Shanghai.

The main part of the business programme of the Czech Days in Shanghai in April 2015 is the participation of more than 70 Czech companies at the China Shanghai International Technology Fair (CSITF), 23. – 25. 4. 2015 (see attachment). This year, Czech Republic is also the partner country of this fair and thanks to this special role it is not just promoting Czech technologies (promotional stand 550 m2). Czech Republic is also promoting itself as a touristic destination and an active regional player (promotional stand 120m2). The participants will be businesses from many high-tech sectors: environmental technology, energy, machinery, aviation, IT, nano- and bio-technologies, health and others. There will also be the traditional automobile industry and transport engineering, glassmaking, financial services and educational and research institutions. Czech Republic presents itself at the fair as the “technological heart” of Europe – hence the name “Technology from the Heart”.

Czech Republic considers this also to be an opportunity to present potential areas for cooperation in the context of China’s recently published “Belt and Road Initiative”. We can offer several areas of possible cooperation within this initiative – such as aviation, machinery, new technologies, health (incl. traditional Chinese medicine) or services. The technological solutions that the Czech Republic is offering are in harmony not only with the Belt and Road Initiative but also with the current reform processes taking place China, which focus on clean environment, innovations, urbanisation and services.

Both main partners of the Czech Days from the Czech business sector – the Škoda Auto company and the PPF Group are already active in Shanghai. Škoda Auto has been operating in Shanghai for many years through JV Shanghai Volkswagen. Home Credit, which is one of the two PPF subsidiaries in China, started operating in Shanghai recently in the area of consumer loans. Many other Czech companies are present in Shanghai, as well as the company CEFC – an important investor in the Czech Republic, partner of the Czech-Chinese Chamber of Cooperation and a co-organiser of the Czech Days in Shanghai.

The programme of the Czech Days in Shanghai will begin on the 22nd of April in the morning with the visit to the fair Auto Shanghai 2015, where Škoda Auto will introduce two of its new models at a Chinese premiere: the new Škoda Fabia and shortly after its premiere in Geneva also the new Škoda Superb.

On the 22nd of April in the afternoon, the Czech ministers who are members of the official delegation of the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament J. Hamáček (Minister of Industry and Trade J. Mládek, Minister of Health S. Němeček and the Chairperson of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic R. Bízková) will meet with their counterparts from the central government and the Shanghai government. At the same time, the Czech business delegation will be divided into sectors (aviation, environment and high-tech) and visit the relevant development zones in Shanghai. During these “field trips” organised by MOFCOM Shanghai, Czech companies will have an opportunity to closely acquaint themselves with specific possibilities of cooperation.

During the first day of the CSITF (23. 4.) there will be a „Czech-China Business Forum 2015: Trade, Investment and Technology“(14:00 to 17:00), which will also include matchmaking for Czech and Chinese companies. The Forum will open with a speech of the Minister of Industry and Trade J. Mládek. Presentations will be then given by all the main institutions, which are part of the numerous Czech business delegation: Czech Chamber of Commerce (www.komoracz.eu), Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (www.tacr.cz), CzechTrade (www.czechtrade.cz), CzechInvest (www.czechinvest.org), Association for Foreign Investment (www.afi.cz) and the Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (www.laacr.cz).

On the 24th of April, the business representatives will travel to the regions. The head of the Czech delegation along with businesses from the Czech Pilsen Region will travel to Hangzhou (Zhejiang), where they will also meet with the management of the Chinese company Alibaba. The visit will be a conclusion of the Pilsen Region programme in Hangzhou, which will already start on the 20th of April. A delegation led by the Governor of the Moravian-Silesian Region will travel to Suzhou (Jiangsu). A “Czech-China Technology Cooperation Day” workshop (10:00 to 14:00) will take place there and about 50 Czech companies will present their technological projects. The representatives of the Moravian-Silesian Government will also travel with some Czech companies to Nanjing (Jiangsu) on the 22nd of April. An investment seminar taking place there will be called “Invest in the Czech Republic – Your Gateway to Europe” (13:00 to 17:00). Invitations to both seminars are attached.

On the 25th of April at 10:18, an opening of a MOSER store will take place in Shanghai with the participation of the official delegation, the top management of MOSER and its exclusive distributor CEFC.

Business cooperation will also be a key aspect of the programme in Beijing during the 20th and 21st of April 2015. The Minister of Industry and Trade J. Mládek will support more than 15 Czech companies actively participating in the fair for machinery technology CIMT 2015 (21st April, morning). The cooperation of Czech machinery companies with their Chinese partners has a long tradition and high-tech machines and transport equipment form more than 60% of Czech exports to China. The delegation will be met in Beijing also by the Chinese Minister of Health Li Bin. Health is one of the fastest developing areas in the Czech-Chinese cooperation.

Although the main idea currently is the presentation of the Czech Republic in Shanghai and partly in Beijing, the Czech Republic plans to further use the “Czech Days” concept in the coming years in promoting bilateral relations (not only in the area of trade and investment) also in other Chinese cities and rapidly developing areas of China.

Shanghai Fair (DOCX, 581 KB)

Suzhou Workshop (DOCX, 581 KB)

Nanjing Investment Seminar (PDF, 2 MB)


List of business participants from the Czech Republic:

  1. A.D. Creative, s.r.o. (AD创作有限公司), www.adcreative.cz, www.element-design.cz

  2. AdMaS Centre, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering (布尔诺大学科技学院AdMaS中心), www.admas.eu

  3. AGRO-EKO, s.r.o. (AGRO-EKO有限公司), www.agro-eko.cz

  4. Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic (捷克共和国空中导航服务), www.ans.cz

  5. Aircraft Industries, a.s. (飞机工业公司), www.let.cz

  6. ARBYD CZ s.r.o. (捷克ARBYD有限公司), www.arbyd.cz

  7. ATOMTRACE s.r.o. (AtomTrace有限公司), www.atomtrace.com

  8. BEHENSKY & PARTNERS s. r. o., law firmBEHENSKY & PARTNERS (律师事务所), www.akbehensky.cz

  9. BIOCEV - Biotechnology and Biomedicine Centre of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University (ASCR分子遗传学研究所), www.biocev.eu

  10. BOHEMIA MACHINE s.r.o. (邦马水晶), www.bomma.cz

  11. CEITEC, www.ceitec.eu
  12. D3Soft (D3软件有限公司), www.d3soft.eu
  13. Daisy spol s r.o. (黛西有限公司), www.daisy.cz

  14. Direct Fly (Uherské Hradiště - Kunovice) (直飞航空公司(乌尔斯克拉迪斯特-库诺维采)), www.directfly.cz

  15. Doosan Škoda Power s.r.o. (斗山斯柯达动力公司), www.doosanskoda.com

  16. ELCOM, a.s. (ELCOM股份有限公司), www.elcom.cz

  17. ERA, a.s. (ERA公司), www.era.aero

  18. ETD TRANSFORMÁTORY s.r.o. (ETD斯柯达变压器公司), www.etd-bez.cz

  19. Evektor (欧飞公司), www.evektor.com
  20. Freytag - Berndt, s.r.o. (Freytag-Berndt有限公司), www.freytagberndt.com.cn, www.freytagberndt.cz
  21. Gaben, spol. s r.o. (Gaben有限公司), www.gaben.cz

  22. GINA Software s.r.o. (GINA软件有限公司), www.ginasystem.com

  23. Golf & Ski resort Ostravice (奥斯特拉维采高尔夫滑雪度假村), www.ostravice-golf.cz

  24. Home Credit China (捷信集团), www.homecreditcfc.cn

  25. INEL - Holding, a.s. (Inel控股有限公司), www.inel.cz

  26. ING corporation, Co. LTD (ING集团有限公司), www.ingcorporation.cz

  27. Innovation Advisors (创新顾问有限公司), www.innovationadvisors.cz

  28. Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine (分子与转化医学研究所), www.imtm.cz

  29. J&T Finance Group SE, www.jtfg.com

  30. JCMM - South Moravian Centre for International Mobility (JCMM——摩拉维亚国际流动中心), www.jcmm.cz

  31. JIC - South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC——南摩拉维亚创新中心), www.jic.cz

  32. Kovoprojekta Brno (布尔诺Kovoprojekta), www.kovoprojekta.cz

  33. KVADOS, a.s. (KVADOS股份有限公司), www.kvados.com

  34. LASVIT s.r.o. (LASVIT有限公司), www.lasvit.com

  35. Light Aircraft Association of the Czech Republic (捷克共和国轻型飞机协会), www.laacr.cz

  36. LINET spol. s r.o. (LINET有限公司), www.linet.com

  37. Masaryk University (马萨里克大学), www.muni.cz

  38. Meopta-optika, s.r.o. (Meopta-optika公司), www.meopta.com

  39. MOSER, a.s. (摩瑟公司), www.moser-glass.com

  40. NAFIGATE Corporation, a.s. (NAFIGATE集团股份有限公司), www.nafigate.com

  41. Nava, a.s. (NAVA股份有限公司), www.nava.cz

  42. Network Security Monitoring Cluster (网络安全监测集群), www.nsmcluster.com

  43. Nirvana Systems s.r.o. (尼尔瓦纳系统有限公司), www.nirvana.cz

  44. NORDMANN´S FIR ENVIRONMENTAL Technology, a.s. (诺德曼冷杉环保技术有限公司), www.nordmann.cz

  45. Park Golf Club Ostrava (奥斯特拉瓦公园高尔夫俱乐部), www.golf-ostrava.cz

  46. PDS a.s. (PDS有限公司), www.pdsplzen.cz

  47. PhoneX Security s.r.o. (PhoneX Security有限公司), www.phone-x.net

  48. Phonexia s.r.o. (Phonexia有限公司), www.phonexia.com

  49. Photon Energy Corporate Services CZ s.r.o. (捷克光子能量企业服务有限公司), www.photonenergy.com

  50. Plzeňská teplárenská, a.s. (比尔森供热股份有限公司), www.pltep.cz

  51. Prague Airport (布拉格机场), www.prg.aero/consulting

  52. Prague City Tourism (布拉格资讯服务公司), www.praguecitytourism.cz/en

  53. PRECIOSA LIGHTING (宝仕奥莎照明), www.preciosalighting.com, www.crystalvalley.cz

  54. PREMIANT CITY TOUR s.r.o. (PREMIANT城市观光有限公司), www.premiant.cz

  55. Prosper Golf Resort Čeladná (Čeladná繁荣高尔夫度假村), www.prosper-golf.cz

  56. PSI (Photon Systems Instruments), spol. s r.o. (PSI集团有限公司               ), www.psi.cz

  57. Regional Chamber of Commerce of South Moravia (南摩拉维亚区域商会), www.khkjm.cz

  58. Robodrone Industries s.r.o. (Robodrone工业公司), www.robodrone.com

  59. SÁGL PRODUCTION s.r.o. (SÁGL制作有限公司), www.sagl.cz

  60. SIX research Center Brno University of Technology (布尔诺科技大学第六研究中心), www.six.feec.vutbr.cz

  61. SODATSW s.r.o. (SODATSW有限公司), www.sodat.com

  62. SOTIO, a.s. (SOTIO股份有限公司), www.sotio.com

  63. Suzhou Hydal BioTech (苏州海德生物技术有限公司), www.hydalbiotech.com

  64. ŠKODA AUTO, a.s. (斯柯达汽车股份有限公司), www.skoda-auto.com

  65. Škoda Electric s.r.o. (斯柯达电气有限公司), www.skoda.cz

  66. ŠKODA TRANSPORTATION, a.s. (斯柯达运输股份有限公司               ), www.skoda.cz

  67. Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (捷克共和国技术局), www.tacr.cz

  68. TL elektronic (TL电器), www.tl-elektronic.cz

  69. Tomas Bata University in Zlín (玆林市托马斯·巴佳大学), www.utb.cz

  70. TOS KUŘIM - OS, a.s. (塔斯克林机床有限公司), www.tos-kurim.cz

  71. Tourist Authority South Moravia (CCR JM——南摩拉维亚州旅游中心), www.ccrjm.cz

  72. University of Ostrava (斯特特拉瓦大学), www.osu.eu

  73. University of West Bohemia, Pilsen (皮尔森西波西米亚大学), www.zcu.cz

  74. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava (VŠB-奥斯特拉瓦技术大学), www.vsb.cz
  75. VÚHŽ a.s. (VÚHŽ股份有限公司), www.vuhz.cz
  76. Wine Fund (南莫拉维亚葡萄酒基金),              www.vinarskyfond.cz, www.wineofczechrepublic.cz

  77. Zoo Prague (布拉格动物园), www.zoopraha.