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New Rules of Registration for long-term visa or long-term residency permits



Starting from October 2023, applicants, who would like to apply for long-term residency permit or long-term visa (i.e. Employee Card or Seasonal Work) through the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Beijing, have to make an appointment through new booking system.


The e-mail address of the booking system is Beijing.Appointment@mzv.gov.cz

预约系统的邮箱为 Beijing.Appointment@mzv.gov.cz

* * * * *

For Chinese version, please see: 2024年9月长期工作卡申请人预约通知 | 捷 克 共 和 国 驻 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 大 使 馆 (gov.cz)

Registration of applicants for Employee cards for September 2024

Electronic registration for those, interested in obtaining an appointment to submit an application for an Employee Card will take place on 4 August 2024 from 08:00 to 14:00 Chinese time under the conditions mentioned below via the email address Beijing.Appointment@mzv.gov.cz. 

An appointment date for September will be allocated to 75 applicants.

Conditions for sending the registration e-mail

1. The email registration will be held on the above date and Chinese time. Emails received in the email inbox of Beijing.Appointment@mzv.gov.cz before or after the start of the ordering process will be disregarded or excluded from the registration. It is therefore recommended that emails are sent during the first few hours of the ordering period, not at the end of it.

2. Each applicant may send only one e-mail. When multiple emails are sent on behalf of one applicant within a given deadline, they will be automatically excluded from registration, even if the emails are sent from different email addresses.

Terms and conditions for the content of the registration email

1. The unique Chinese or other foreign passport’s number of the applicant must be included in the subject line of the email. Emails with information other than the foreign passport number itself in the subject line will be disregarded (i.e. no text or abbreviations referring to forwarding or reply - Fw:, Fwd:, Re:, etc.).

2. The content of the email must include the following identification information of the applicant:
- name, surname
- date of birth
- contact telephone number
- contact e-mail
- purpose of stay (Employee Card)

3. A maximum of one applicant can be subscribed in one email.

4. The email application must be accompanied by a copy of the following documents in pdf format ONLY:
- a scanned copy of the data page of the applicant's travel document
- a scan of the employment contract (please note that signatures of employer and employee cannot be on a separate page!) Identical document must be submitted during appointment date.

These attachments cannot be sent as a link to any online storage or in a shared format.

5. Non-Chinese citizens can only participate in the registration if they have been living in China for more than two (2) consecutive years with a long-term residence permit. A scan of this residence permit must be sent in PDF format in the registration email along with other attachments.

Please note that attempts to send registrations in bulk using software tools may be evaluated as spam by the anti-spam security wall of the mzv.gov.cz domain in order to ensure the functionality of the system for all applicants, and as a result of it such registrations will not be taken into account. Registration e-mails for which the sender activates the impossibility of reply to the registration e-mail will be excluded from registration.

Without fulfilling the above-mentioned requirements and conditions, the registration is invalid and will not be taken into account or will be excluded from processing without further response to the applicant.

Registration is open for a period of 6 hours, during which time an ordering email can be sent. Due to the server security protection, the sending of set responses will be delayed by approximately half an hour. All duplicate emails will be automatically discarded after the ordering process has closed at the latest. 

The electronic registration contains a random element. In the event of a successful registration, the applicant will be informed of the specific date of the appointment by an e-mail sent to the contact e-mail address provided in the order within the next 10 days after the ordering process has closed. The appointment date is fixed and cannot be changed in any way.

Slots distribution 预约空位分布:

Monday: 5 appointments     周一:5个预约名额

Tuesday: 5 appointments     周二:5个预约名额

Wednesday: 5 appointments 周三:5个预约名额

Thursday: 5 appointments            : 5个预约名额