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Vyjádření EU

Společné tiskové prohlášení EU k Mezinárodnímu dni žen

Today we celebrate women. We celebrate their role in society, at work, in our families and lives. We also remember their suffering, hardship and injustice, which for many is still a reality today. It is also true that we must promote gender… více ►

Obavy EU k otázce lidských práv v Číně

EU Concerns about the Human Rights situation in China While we note the release of Mr. Peter Dahlin, the European Union and its Member States continue to be worried about the ongoing detention of human rights lawyers and activists who have… více ►

Stanovisko mluvčího k zadržení Petera Dahlina, občana EU

Mr Peter Dahlin, an EU citizen and founder of China Urgent Action Working Group, a human rights NGO operating in China, was arrested on January 4th as he prepared to board a flight from Beijing. He has been detained ever since. The EU expects a… více ►

Tisková zpráva k 34. dialogu o lidských právech mezi EU a ČLR


On 30 November and 1 December 2015, the European Union and the People's Republic of China held the 34th round of the EU-China Dialogue on Human Rights in Beijing. The delegation of the European Union was led by Mr Ugo Astuto, Acting Managing… více ►