Small scale projects development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic & Česká rozvojová agentura - CzechAid
13.09.2024 / 10:24 | Aktualizováno: 17.09.2024 / 08:38
On Thursday, September 12, Mr. Michal Sveda of our Embassy visited the Northern Agriculture and Forestry College, one of the schools in Luang Prabang Province in Laos, where our partners from the NGO Abundant Water deliver ceramic water filters.
These filters of a unique design are being donated to schools and medical clinics throughout the province to make clean drinking water available for thousands of students and patients.
The project is financed by the Small scale projects development cooperation programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic & Česká rozvojová agentura - CzechAid.