Czech presidency presented the benefits of the EU Space Programme
14.10.2022 / 08:13 | Aktualizováno: 26.10.2022 / 08:24
The Global Action on Space, in collaboration with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU Council, organised its first hybrid event in Asia, which will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, on 11 October 2022. The event followed up on the success of the previously organised “Climate change and EU space data: exploring opportunities for ASEAN countries” webinar for the Asian region.
The hybrid event was dedicated to highlighting the benefits that the EU Space programme can bring to local communities and actors in the ASEAN and Indo Pacific space ecosystems. A particular focus was placed on the topics of climate change, emergency response capabilities, and 3SOS (Space Safety, Security and Sustainability of Outer Space).
The morning session introduced the EU Space Programme and highlight the opportunities related to the Copernicus and Galileo components. In particular, the session illustrated applications and products related to the free and open data policy of the Copernicus Land, Ocean, Climate Change, and Emergency monitoring services. Galileo’s Search and Rescue (SAR) service and its benefits for disaster risk reduction and management were also be presented.
The afternoon session focused on introducing concepts concerning a European approach to Safety, Security and Sustainability of outer space (3SOS) as well as related opportunities for collaboration.
Martin Dvořák, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
Jolanda Van Eijndthoven, Head of Unit - International Relations and Communication, European Commission (DG DEFIS)
Fiammetta Diani, Head of Market, Downstream, and Innovation, EUSPA - EU Agency for the Space Programme
Melissa de Zwart, Deputy Chair, Space Industry Association of Australia
Regina Peldszus, Policy Officer, European External Action Service