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New rules of registration of applicants for employment cards

(This article expired 25.04.2020.)

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Baku announces that a new system of registration for appointments of applicants for employment cards from Azerbaijan has been launched, based on registration cycles. At the Embassy in Baku, the length of each registration cycle is 2 months; for each registration cycle, a fixed quota  of 25 applications for employment cards has been established.

Day and hour of opening possibility for sending registration e-mails for coming two-months period are regularly published on the website of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Baku.

Applicants can register by sending an email to zamkarta_baku@mzv.gov.cz while strictly following the rules set out below:

A. The subject of the registration email must include the number of the applicants passport ONLY. Emails with a subject including any other information besides the passport number will be disregarded and left unanswered.

B. Emails delivered to zamkarta_baku@mzv.gov.cz prior to the beginning of registration will also be disregarded and left unanswered.

C. Each applicant can only send one registration email. If one applicant sends more registration emails within one registration cycle (in case of duplicity of his/her passport number in the subjects of the e-mails), he/she will be automatically excluded from that particular cycle, even if his/her registration email had been sent from different email addresses: in such a case, the applicant will be informed about his/her exclusion from the registration cycle by an email sent to the first identified email address used by him/her. If an applicant has already applied for an employment card in the previous months and the application is already being considered, his/her new registration email will be disregarded and considered not valid.

D. The registration email must include the following data

  1. name
  2. surname
  3. date of birth
  4. passport number
  5. contact phone number
  6. contact email address
  7. purpose of stay („employment“)

E. The registration email must include, as attachments, electronic copies of the following documents, both in pdf format:

  1. passport data page
  2. complete and signed labour contract with a Czech employer.

If any of the abovementioned data or attachments is absent, the registration is null and void and shall not be considered.

F. The „one email per one applicant“ rule applies; registration of more persons by one email is not permissible.

G. Registration emails will be processed chronologically, based on the time of their delivery. Registration emails which follow the rules set out above and are delivered before the capacity within the requisite registration cycle is reached shall be automatically answered by a preliminary confirmation email, to be followed, within 7 days, by a full-fledged confirmation email. Registration emails which follow the rules but are delivered after the fulfillment of the quota for the requisite registration cycle will be answered by an automatic response to that effect; in such cases, the applicant may register for the next registration cycle.


A successfully registered applicant will be informed about the day and hour of his/her appointment at the Embassy by an email sent to the contact email address specified in his/her registration email. The timing of the appointment is final and cannot be changed. Cancelled appointments cannot be replaced by other applicants. If the applicant cancels his/her appointment, he/she must arrange a new one via the same procedure.

The email address zamkarta_baku@mzv.gov.cz is used exclusively for registration of applicants for employment cards.



In case of reasonable suspicion of unauthorised external interference with the registration system, the entire process of registration will be cancelled and the registration procedure shall be started anew, repeatedly if necessary.