In September 2024, the marking of hiking trails in Azerbaijani national parks using the so-called Czech method continued
08.10.2024 / 21:19 | Aktualizováno: 09.10.2024 / 16:30
Within the framework of the Czech support for environmentally responsible tourism in Azerbaijan, the programme of marking hiking trails in Hirkan and Altyaghach National Parks continued in September 2024. The Azerbaijani Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, together with the administrations of both parks, cooperated in the project supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
During the marking of the new hiking trails under the guidance of expert Mr Ivo Dokoupil, park rangers were trained. Now they should already be able to continue their work independently based on the requirements of the Azerbaijani Ministry of Environment. In Hirkan Park, this year the marking was done in its southern part, where the highest abundance of the rare Persian leopard is found.
The Czech Republic supports the development of tourism in Azerbaijan. At the same time, it is necessary to develop tourism that minimises the negative impact on the natural and cultural diversity of this beautiful country, and, all at once brings sustainable development to remote regions.
The Czech trail marking system dates back to the 19th century and is currently used e.g. in the Philippines, Brazil and Georgia. From foreign countries It has been most developed in Ukraine, where teams coordinated by Ivo Dokoupil marked about 1500 km of trails years ago.
Since April 2019, hikers can also explore part of the Şahdağ National Park on the first Czech-Azerbaijani blue, red and green marked trails.
Martin Lubojacký