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Awarding ceremony at the Czech Embassy in Baku

Azerbaijani artists, whose works were exhibited in Prague last year (4-11 May), were invited to the Czech Embassy in Baku to be awarded by diplomas appreciating their contribution to the development of multiculturalism. 

The event was opened by Ambassador Vítězslav Pivoňka who recalled long tradion of relations Czech-Azerbaijani relations and stressed an importance activities that provide us with possibility to know each other better.  Ambassador expressed on behalf of the Czech Republic thanks to all artists who had brought with their works a piece of Azerbaijan in Prague.

Director of The Social and Psychological Rehabilitation Centre of Youth - Dirchelish Islam Bakhshaliyev mentioned tradition of exhibitions of Azerbaijani artists organized by his organization and attrected attention of participants to long history of multiculturalism in Azerbaijan.  

The award ceremony was followed by informal discussion between artist, embassy staff and other guests.