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Meeting with Director of ANL Karim Tahirov: Habent sua fata libelli

Contacts in the sphere of literature have created an important part of Azebaijani-Czech relations which are a subject of  the scientific research of team composed of Azerbaijani and Czech experts. This issue was the main theme of discussion between Director of Azerbaijan National Library named after M.F. Akhundov Professor Karim Tahirov, DHM Petr Vágner and Ms. Lala Huseynova, PhD. from Archive of Political Documents of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic held on Tuesday 18 April 2017.

Director  K. Tahirov presented the co-operation between Azerbaijan National Library and National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. This co-operation brings a very important result in the form of the catalogue describing manuscripts containing copies of works by  Masters of ancient Azerbaijani literature. Joint work of the libraries will be described in the intended book as an example of scientific co-operation between both countries, moreover, experts of the ANL provide authors of the book with information which works by ancient Azerbaijani authors it is possible to find in mentioned manuscripts. 

Funds of the ANL will be also used for the research in further forms of Azerbaijani-Czech relations. There are rare books containing information on Czechs living in Baku at the turn of the 19th and the 20th centuries, books by Czech authors translated into Azerbaijani and books informing Azerbaijani readers about former Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic. The cooperation between the ANL experts and experts conducting the research in Azerbaijani-Czech relations becomes example of the scientific co-operation as well.