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Czech Republic supported Science Camp in Basra

The Czech Republic has provided funding for Science Camp in Basra - their project that promotes idea of recycling plastic among the young generation in Iraq. Project raises awareness about the new technologies too. In this case, Czech funding covered various costs - machine parts, transportation, assembly, and personal costs. In total, the Czech Republic provided around 500.000 CZK (approx. 20,000 USD) to Science Camp in Basra. Funding was provided under so-called “Small Scale Projects (SSPs)” scheme. 

About the project

“Precious Plastic in Iraq” project has been developed by Mr. Nawres Arif - founder & CEO of Science Camp. A vision of recycling plastic started in a small workshop in Basra, Iraq, Hakimyah, Rudaini Street. All of the project staff are Iraqis. All machines were locally assembled. Project targets young children and teaches them the importance of recycling - the importance of saving the planet. “Plastic is one of the longest lasting materials on the planet. It does not decompose and will stick around for hundreds of years. Yet we use it to make the cheapest, disposable products. Plastic lasts forever, yet it is destined to be used for minutes - an incredible waste of potential. We consider plastic a valuable material and we're not the only ones.” Project is a small step towards a bigger purpose and a bigger dream. Pollution is killing our planet, one of the forms of saving it is recycling.

Precious Plastic logo

Precious Plastic logo


  • Science Camp Organization for Youth Development
  • Nawres Arif Abdulwahid Naser, Founder/CEO                                                                                                     
  • 00964 780 190 1756                                                                                                       
  • nawres102@yahoo.com                                                                                                              
  • https://www.fablabs.io/labs/sciencecamptheiraqimakerspace 
  • https://www.facebook.com/Iraqimakerspace/
Science Camp logo

Science Camp logo


About Czech SSPs financing scheme

The Small Scale Projects (SSPs) scheme is one of the instruments of the Development Cooperation of the Czech Republic. SSPs aim to help local communities in their small-scale development activities in accordance with the development priorities in each country. SSPs should not only bring development outputs, but should also contribute to increasing the visibility of the Czech Republic in the country. Various projects are supported, such as projects that promote local development, improve health or medical care, eradicate poverty, make education available, educate people in rural areas, protect the environment, improve the position of women in the society or promote coexistence between ethnic and religious communities.

The SSPs are firstly identified by Embassies (through applications submitted by potential local applicant) and later approved by headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Once selected, an applicant signs an agreement with the Ministry and later implements his project - all in accordance with his initial proposal. Funding is released against the completion milestones defined in the agreement. 

CZE Helps logo

CZE Helps logo


Science Camp activities

Science Camp activities

Science Camp education

Science Camp education

Science Camp Basra

Science Camp Basra

Science Camp science and computers

Science Camp science and computers

Manufacturing of plastic shredder

Manufacturing of plastic shredder

Manufacturing of plastic shredder 2

Manufacturing of plastic shredder 2

Plastic Shredder - designed and manufactured in Basra, Iraq

Plastic Shredder - designed and manufactured in Basra, Iraq

Made of recycled plastic in Basra

Made of recycled plastic in Basra

Připravil: Ing. Roman Plevák, Ph.D., obchodní rada, Velvyslanectví ČR v Bagdádu