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Czech Republic provides hospital beds for Azadi Teaching Hospital in Duhok

The project was financed from the Czech development program called "Tied Financial Donation". 

Azadi Teaching Hospital in Duhok in Iraq received 30 Eleganza 1 and 30 Eleganza Classic medical over bed tables made by company Linet, s.r.o. This project aims at advancing UN Sustainable Development Goal no 3 - Good Health and Well-being. 

So-called "Tied Financial Donation" projects are proposed by the institutions in the receiving country. Proposals are submitted throug the Czech Embassy in the receiving country and approved later by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Implementation of the project has to be done by a Czech company, all in accordance with the initial specifications requested by the local institution in their initial proposal. Donations are later finalized in accordance with the Agreement between the Czech Company and local institution in the receiving country, the Embassy provides monitoring during the whole project. 


Připravil: Ing. Roman Plevák, Ph.D., obchodní rada, Velvyslanectví ČR v Bagdádu