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Czech delegation discussed cooperation with Iraqi Geological Survey

A delegation of three experts from Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade led by Mr. Matyáš Pelant was visiting Iraq in February 24 - 26, 2025. One of their successful meetings was with the Director General of the Geological Survey of Iraq Dr. Majid Alkinani on February 24, 2025.

Bilateral cooperation in area of geology between Iraq and Czechia has a long tradition. It dates back to 1972 when the 30 Czechoslovak geologists and their Iraqi counterparts started founding works of geo-mapping at the so called Mesopotamian Basin. Nowadays, cooperation continues with the testing of Iraqi samples at the laboratory of Czech Geological Survey. If these samples show promising content of rare earth metals, a viable joint commercial extraction project can be developed in a close cooperation between experts of both sides and specialized technical universities. 

Geological Survey meeting participants

Geological Survey meeting participants

Discussion tested possibilities of other mutually beneficial cooperation. An incoming visit of Iraqi experts to Czechia is now planned with excursions to major mining projects in the Czech Republic. Iraqi side would also like to invite Czech geological consultants on a basis of a commercial project that will help to advance geological field works in Iraq, map the hazardous location (such as depleted uranium sites in Iraq), or assist with the water related geological research. Iraqi side would also like to explore possibilities of using current Czech software solutions for cataloging geo information, take advantage of advanced laboratory testing possibilities in the Czechia, etc. As cooperation unfolds further, possible bilateral cooperation agreement in the area of geology will have to be prepared.  


from the meeting

from the meeting

Připravil: Ing. Roman Plevák, Ph.D., vedoucí Oddělení obchodu a rozvojové spolupráce, Velvyslanectví ČR v Bagdádu