Call for Proposals: Projects of Local Transformation projects and in support of independent media 2025
28.09.2024 / 19:18 | Aktualizováno: 29.09.2024 / 14:28
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Baghdad encourages local iraqi NGOs to submit their project proposals for year 2025 supporting independent media and local transformation (or LTP for short). The deadline for submitting projects is November 10, 2024. The proposal has to be sent to our Embassy: baghdad.commerce@mzv.gov.cz, application form is included.
What are the main requirements?
- - The implementer must be a local non-governmental entity registered in Iraq (including a subsidy of an international NGO registered in Iraq). It can be also a verified person (individual) representing the implementing entity. It cannot be a proposal submitted by a Czech non-governmental organization, local municipality or university.
- - The project must be finished October 31, 2025. Duration of the project is a maximum of 8 months (assumption of start from 1 March 2025 to 31 October 2025);
- - The maximum amount of the budget is 500,000 CZK, the minimum amount is 100,000 CZK;
- - The proposal is submitted on the prescribed identification form in English or Czech (please find attached), it has to be filled in - in all its parts and signed and stamped by an authorized person representing submitter;
- - The proposal has to be sent to our Embassy: baghdad.commerce@mzv.gov.cz by November 10, 2024.
Identification Form for Local Transformation and Media Projects (XLSX, 34 KB)
What are the prefered areas of projects?
- - support of civil society, including human rights defenders;
- - support of freedom of expression and access to information, including media freedom (independent media support);
- - support for equal and as wide as possible political and public participation;
- - support for building institutions of the rule of law;
- - promotion of equality and non-discrimination;
- - support of human rights in topics related to employment and environment;
What projects have been supported in the past?
An example of a successful project (in another country) is, for example, the support of lawyers who deal with cases of defending freedom of expression and the right to information in Tunisia. As part of the project, a group of several lawyers received information about recommended defense methods through theoretical and practical training and trial simulation. A project in Türkiye also worked with lawyers, which focused on strengthening the awareness of lawyers in the area of human rights associated with LGBTQ+, which is not taught as part of university studies, and lawyers therefore lack the necessary knowledge when defending (knowledge gap). The goal of the LTP project in The Gambia was to use the power of social media in the fight against sexual and gender-based violence and to spread awareness in this area through cooperation with popular Gambian influencers. In Moldova, the Echoes of One World documentary film festival was organized in Chisinau as part of LTP, which presented the critical role of independent journalism and the social impact of disinformation.
What is the difference between a local transformation project (LTP) and a media project?
The goal of the LTP is to support activities that will lead to an improvement in the state of human rights and democracy in Iraq. LTPs are project-oriented - the implementer proposes specific activities such as workshops for the target group, travel fees for participants, space rental, facilitators' salaries, organization of educational events in public space, etc. The goal of media projects is to support media that adhere to the basic principles of editorial independence and at the same time facing a difficult financial situation. Therefore, media projects can be focused on the direct support of these media (i.e. on their operation, not on new activities), so that they can continue to provide its irreplaceable functions to the public.
Which types of media projects are encouraged?
Aim is to support media (local radio and TV stations and journalists, who maintain basic principles of editorial independence and are in financial difficulties.
Can physical equipment be purchased in the project?
The purchase of equipment can be included in the project due to its necessity to achieve the project's goals, but it must not be the main goal of the project.
What should the project budget be? What course should I use?
The maximum project budget is CZK 500,000. Embassy will assess whether the expenses correspond to the usual prices in the country and are not overestimated. The amount approved for the project is always in CZK, the payment in local currency depends on the current exchange rate in the month when it is carried out. The developer must therefore be aware that the amount paid in local currency may differ from the submitted proposal due to exchange rate changes.
Připravil: Ing. Roman Plevák, Ph.D., vedoucí oddělení obchodu a rozvojové spolupráce, Velvyslanectví ČR v Bagdádu